StealthTronic Counter Surveillance
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A low-frequency generator specially developed for creating a background sound that will interfere with any kind of recording or listening device. Compatible with a wide range of speakers, has the reset function, up To 10 presets, where 2 or more voices can be combined, basic white noise 0-100 scale setting, LED indicators for Audio and Noise. Offers protection against the most modern forms of recording (eavesdropping).
This unique device is designed for the detection of wiretaps, or other listening devices in extension cords. This device can detect even inactive wiretapping or dictaphones, and is specially designed to uncover only the devices that are placed inside the cords. Detects listening devices (GSM bugs), recording devices (Dictaphones, Voice Recorders), pulse devices (Wifi-based devices, and pulse bugs), UHF & VHF devices.
New and upgraded version of the Extension GSM cord Detector. Improvements in terms of usability. This new version comes with the cord (that can be adjusted depending on your country of residence) that gives you the option to test other devices like electronic outlets. Detects listening devices like GSM bugs, recording devices, pulse devices, UHF and VHF devices, any battery-based device that connects to the circuit.